Art-Ifact 2ART

Art-ifact 2Art


Pillow Talk Exhibition
Ingersoll Arts Centre Front Door
Pillow Talk Gallery View - Left
Pillow Talk Gallery View - Right

 Art-ifacts 2ART will be on display all summer long At both the Ingersoll Cheese Museum and the Ingersoll Creative Arts Centre. Your read that right! One big exhibition, 2 amazing locations.

Stop by the Ingersoll Creative Arts Centre Monday to Friday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM or on Saturday 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM. Once you have enjoyed viewing the Artwork and Artifacts at the ICAC  location take a short walk down our scenic walking trail to the Cheese Museum location!

Exhibition Mini Preview: Pillow Talk

The photos displayed online are only a mini-preview. There are many other amazing pieces of artwork and artifacts to see. To see the full exhibition please visit the ICAC and Cheese Museum during our hours of operation.
If you wish to purchase one of the pieces that are for sale please contact the Centre by email at
